Lucio Phenomenon in Type II Reaction
leprosy, Lucio phenomenon, necrotic ulcers.Abstract
A 54-year-old female patient from Havana Province attended consultation, with an eight-day clinical status of marked asthenia, adynamia, febrile peaks, arthralgias, and the appearance of asymptomatic "red spots'' on her extremities and thorax. Physical examination revealed generalized lesions in the form of infiltrated erythematous-violaceous macules, several centimeters in diameter, which converge to form plaques. Nodules were observed in the facial region and auricular pavilions. The patient was admitted and, two days later, blisters appeared with subsequent ulceration and formation of necrotic areas with crusts. The case was interpreted as an acute lepromatous reaction, possibly Lucio phenomenon. A skin biopsy confirmed the diagnosis, and baciloscopy was positive. Treatment with prednisone in daily doses of one milligram per kilogram was indicated for three weeks, with significant improvement of the clinical status. The patient was discharged with treatment for multibacillary leprosy. The case is presented because of the importance of always thinking about this disease and being able to provide an early diagnosis of it.