Characterization of Patients with Psoriasis at Hospital Universitario Clínico Quirúrgico Miguel Enríquez
psoriasis, plaque psoriasis, behavior, stress, chronic disease.Abstract
Introduction: Psoriasis is a chronic autoimmune disease with predominantly skin and joint manifestations, of an immunogenetic basis, affecting 2% of the Cuban population. Its development has a multifactorial component, including genetic predisposition, immune factors and environmental triggers.
Objective: To characterize, clinically and epidemiologically, patients with psoriasis treated at Hospital Universitario Clínico Quirúrgico Miguel Enríquez.
Methods: An observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted in patients with a clinical and histopathological diagnosis of psoriasis, treated at Hospital Universitario Clínico Quirúrgico Miguel Enríquez from January 2021 to December 2022. The universe consisted of all patients who attended with this diagnosis and in the established period of time. The studied variables were age, sex, occupation, accompanying symptoms, location of the lesions, and predisposing factors.
Results: 25.9% of the patients were aged between 30 and 39 years old, while 54.12 % belonged to the female sex. Itching and desquamation were reported by 100% of the patients. The most frequent location was the trunk, accounting for 49.4%. Stress was reported as a predisposing factor by 100 %, followed by heat exposure (56.5%).
Conclusions: All patients reported pruritus and desquamation as accompanying symptoms. Plaque psoriasis predominated in most of them, and all of them reported stress as a factor triggering the outbreaks.