Clinical-epidemiological behavior of syphilis in a municipality of Granma
syphilis, injuries, risk factors, infection, reinfection.Abstract
Introduction: Syphilis is a systemic disease caused by the spirochete Treponema pallidum. Its incidence is around five million cases per year.
Objective: Determine the clinical-epidemiological behavior of syphilis in the municipality of Manzanillo.
Methods: A descriptive and retrospective study was carried out on the clinical-epidemiological behavior of syphilis in the municipality of Manzanillo, Granma province, in the period from 2018 to 2020. The universe was represented by 96 cases with a diagnosis of syphilis from polyclinics I, II and III of the municipality of Manzanillo. The sample under study consisted of 86 patients who met the inclusion criteria.
Results: The year 2019 was the year with the highest number of syphilis cases (45.3%). Ages between 15-24 years were predominant in 38.3%. The male sex was the most affected. Non-use of condoms was the determining risk factor in 47.7% of patients. 66.3% of patients had secondary syphilis and only 20.9% of these were reinfected with the disease after treatment.
Conclusions: In the study carried out there was a predominance of young, male patients, with clinical stage of secondary syphilis.