Therapeutic Effect of Chemical Peeling with Trichloroacetic Acid in Patients with Photoaging


  • Cristy Darias Domínguez Hospital Faustino Pérez. Matanzas.


peeling, trichloroacetic acid, aging photo.


Introduction: The face is the presentation letter of the human being and when it is affected it causes disease and anxiety. Chemical peeling is a type of non-surgical treatment, allowing the removal of different layers of the skin by applying a caustic or corrosive agent, for therapeutic and cosmetic purposes. This effect can be of a chemical type when using substances in solutions; mechanical using diamond crystals, silica, or aluminum hydroxide (microdermabrasion); or of a caloric type with the use of ablative lasers, which entails skin peeling or exfoliation. Thus, a regeneration effect is produced producing the renewal of the dermal matrix.

Objective: to bring up-to-date important features of chemical peeling, such as the method of application, indications, complications and contraindications.

Methods: A bibliographic review was carried out on the use of trichloroacetic acid in photoaging lesions. The Infomed Virtual Library and Google academic were considered as search sources. Basic concepts of the subject, clinical manifestations and treatment were reviewed in 52 scientific documents, 19 of them were referenced.

Conclusions: Mastery of the types of peeling, its uses and indications are essential to choose the appropriate conduct against the entity to be treated, and thus avoid side effects and complications.



How to Cite

Darias Domínguez C. Therapeutic Effect of Chemical Peeling with Trichloroacetic Acid in Patients with Photoaging. Folia dermatol. cuban. [Internet]. 2023 Mar. 14 [cited 2025 Mar. 13];16(1). Available from:



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